Useful Collection Functions of Magento

There are many different useful functions that you can implement in your Collection class. These functions are described in Varien_Data_Collection_Db class. This class file is in lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php

Here i am listing some important collection functions that you can use in your collection class:

To get Zend_Db_Select instance


To get select string of sql object


To get the size of collection


To get distinct selection


To get all data array for collection


To set an order to the collection

$collection->getSelect()->setOrder($field, $direction);

To print the query or log the query

$collection->getSelect()->printLogQuery(true, true);

To get collection items


To get first item of the collection


To get last item of the collection


To get current collection page number


To get total collection pages


To clear the collection


You can see all other collection functions in the class.