MySQLi Tutorials

How to Insert JSON Data into MySQL using PHP

How to Insert JSON Data into MySQL using PHP

In this tutorial I will show you How to Insert JSON Data into MySQL using PHP. To convert JSON to MySQL using PHP includes some steps like how to read JSON file, convert json to array and insert that json array into MySQL database. Here are the steps to Insert JSON data into MySQL using PHP. Step 1: Read the JSON file in PHP We have to read the JSON …

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Difference Between PDO And MySQLi

Difference Between PDO And MySQLi

We have two choices for accessing the database in PHP : MySQLi and PDO. We have already compared them with old mysql extension in Difference between mysql and pdo and Difference between MySQL and MySQLi. In this article, we will discuss difference between PDO and MySQLi on various feature like database support, stability and performance to find which is the better API. Connection : // PDO // mysqli, procedural style …

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Difference between MySQL and MySQLi

difference between MySQL and MySQLi

As we know the mysql_* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.5. So you should not use mysql_* functions in your application. We have better alternative of MySql is MySQL Improved that is MySQLi. In this article I am listing the difference between MySql and MySqli. MySQLi: – The i stands for Improved. The MySQLi extension is designed to work with MySQL version 4.1.13 or newer. MySQLi introduced with PHP 5.0 …

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